The EAT WELL. FEEL WELL.™ poster is an overview of all the goodness that plants like vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds provide you with. You can hang this at-a-glance reference in your kitchen, learn and grow or give it as a gift. You will have all plant powers in one place and can make sure you and your family are getting enough of all that good stuff every day (or when you feel like it). Even if it seems a bit overwhelming for kids, the pictures have proven to be entertaining and engaging for them, including my own 3 and 6 year olds, and if you include them in your own learning, they will grow up with plant based super powers.

Food is information. Food is medicine. Food is beauty. Food gives you life.


The idea started a few years ago when my excitement about nutrition gave way to feeling overwhelmed and confused, not just by the volume of information about nutrition, but also by the sheer number of different sources & references (often conflicting). It was at that point I decided I wanted to combine the most significant and useful information that I could find in one single place to help more people to learn what the plant kingdom has to give us, to eat healthy and to educate ourselves about food. My hope is that I can help other folks get excited or at least curious about nutrition and plant based food WITHOUT getting overwhelmed and ultimately giving up. Change is hard. But food can be easy! So, I felt compelled to consolidate all that information I was learning into one place...and make it pretty too!

From learning the dose of vitamins and minerals in each food; easy access to the nutritional information of the basic plant foods, like protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrates; to understanding the role of each vitamin and mineral...the EAT WELL. FEEL WELL.™ poster has got you covered! 

Answers to questions like: why should I care if I get enough healthy fats, what is the best source for plant-based protein, why is Vitamin K so important to me, what is Magnesium actually doing to my body, are green leafy vegetables really so key to my health, what is Vitamin B12 and what can superfoods do for me? You can also leverage the poster by identifying those foods which can help you with certain health conditions and improve your well-being, such as inflammation, heart health, digestion, detoxification, anti-aging, blood sugar management, skin health, immunity and more.

One of our favorite parts of the entire poster is the “DAILY PLANT-POWERED ENERGY” box - the inspiration comes from Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen list. An easy overview of all the foods to put on our plates daily. Help yourself create good habits. Each food is beautifully illustrated in watercolors by the talented artist Joya Logue @rajovilla (check out her gorgeous hand painted clutches!). The EAT WELL. FEEL WELL.™ poster is the only easy access reference you need for all plant powers in one place! 

I sincerely hope that you will use your EAT WELL. FEEL WELL.™ poster to not just learn about the magical and powerful ingredients provided to us by nature, but also to teach others, especially our children and families! Knowledge is power.

You can get yours HERE.


Over a decade ago I gave up meat when I started a new career in the USA (I am born and raised in Germany and moved to the USA for a few years after marrying my American husband). It was pretty standard at our office that everyone would bring their own lunch everyday. One of my co-workers was vegetarian and showed me that delicious and easy meals do not need to include meat. How simple and almost silly that sounds today! She gave me the inspiration I needed for new recipes that I finally felt like, "I CAN DO IT.” And since then I never looked back. My relationship with food completely changed and evolved drastically over the next few years. Basically, I re-discovered vegetables and fell in love with their healing powers, dense nutrients and beauty for the first time. Growing up, vegetables were not on my favorite list of foods to eat, to say the least. Learning about plates filled with real energy fueling powers (veggies, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts and grains) and the process of crowding out foods with mostly empty calories was a slow and organic but exciting process and journey. The kitchen became my happy place. I truly believe that you just need to have enough GO TO recipes, which do not include the ingredients you no longer want on your plate, then things get easy enough to make a change. Like anything, if you have the right tools, the job is easy.

Since 2018 I cut out all animal products (from time to time I will have an organic egg - it’s all a process). Books, cookbooks, blogs and podcasts all have given me the knowledge, inspiration and gratitude which has moved me towards a plant-based diet. In 2017 I started a one-year program to become a Health Coach @ Institute of Integrative Nutrition to further deepen and nourish my love for and understanding of nutrition and all things food, self growth and awareness. I loved every minute of it and the awareness it brought me to the power we have as individuals to nourish our bodies. We only have one body, better to treat it with knowledge, respect and care.

Spread plants + love,
